Biblioteka to nie tylko regały z książkami, ale również placówka, w której można skorzystać z oferty lekcji bibliotecznych dla różnych grup wiekowych, zdobywając nową wiedzę inaczej niż w szkolnej ławce.
Każdego roku staramy się poszerzać naszą ofertę o nowe tematy zajęć dostosowane do potrzeb naszych czytelników.
W załączniku przedstawiamy aktualne tematy zajęć w bibliotece, na które gorąco zapraszamy!
Komunikat o błędzie
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated w views_php_handler_field->render() (linia 207 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/sites/all/modules/views_php/plugins/views/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int w element_children() (linia 6595 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls w _menu_load_objects() (linia 579 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/
- Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters w drupal_get_feeds() (linia 394 z /home/bibliot4/public_html/includes/